
August 26, 2022

Release USA Parks API with over 200 records. You can use this RESTful API for free without authentication / key to test your application.

Environment: Node.js, MongoDB and AWS.

May 10, 2020
U.S. Culture Quiz

Release the alpha version of "Quizzes" application: "U.S. Culture Quiz" is now available.

Environment: Java Spring Boot, Angular 8, DynamoBD, HTML5, CSS3 and AWS.

March 29, 2020

Release iTipper web application.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JS, Selenium and AWS.

February 2, 2020
Amidori went live

Release Amidori website with the following web applications:

  • UI Color Converter
  • Unit color-converter
  • JSON Formatter
  • Secret Message

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JS, Selenium and AWS.